South Okanagan Aquatic Centre



The survey is now closed. Stay tuned for the results which will be provided to the South Okanagan Aquatic Center Advisory Committee in early November.

News Release September 27, 2021  – Osoyoos Indian Band, Towns of Oliver and Osoyoos Issue Public Survey

The South Okanagan Aquatic Centre Advisory Committee has been formed to complete a feasibility study on behalf of the Service Area Participants – Town of Oliver, Town of Osoyoos and the Osoyoos Indian Band.

The mandate of the Committee is to act in an advisory and leadership role to facilitate the process to develop a South Okanagan Aquatic Centre feasibility study.

The Service Area Participants have not delegated any expenditure or decision-making authority to the Committee. The Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity and lead the process to complete a feasibility study.